PowerPoint & Dropbox Are Hurting Your Business

We’ve seen firsthand how the combination of PowerPoint and Dropbox can actually hurt your business. Here’s why:

Hard to Use: Sales reps rarely enjoy creating PowerPoint presentations because they’re difficult to use. Let them focus on what they do best—selling.

Lack of Content Control: Dropbox doesn’t offer the control you need to manage your presentation's identity and product messaging effectively.

Lack of Analytics: PowerPoint lacks built-in analytics, leaving you in the dark about how your team presents and how prospects engage with the content.

Not Mobile-Friendly: PowerPoint presentations are often heavy and not optimized for mobile viewing. In our mobile-first world, your presentations need to look great on any device.

Given the long sales cycles in the medical device industry, typically 3-6 months or longer, it's crucial to provide your team with not just multiple presentations, but a system that allows them to share, track, and modify presentations with ease.

Click here to learn how we're helping medical device brands better control and distribute their sales presentations.