The Presentation Platform Designed for B2B Brands

Say hello to the one-and-only Modular Presentation System. Effortlessly create, manage, share, and track sales presentations with unrivaled consistency and control throughout your entire sales cycle.

Are Your Reps Wasting Time Searching for Presentations?

Your sales team doesn't have time to hunt down content. They don't get paid to design slides or cobble presentations together. That's why we built a modern sales presentation system for B2B brands who want to present smarter, faster, and with 100% consistency and control.

Say Goodbye to Clunky Presentation Tools

Ditch the stress of hunting for the perfect presentation and piecing together slides. With Nuvue, your sales team can pick from a library of ready-made templates or create their own effortlessly using drag-and-drop.

And, Adios to Messy Asset Management Systems

Wave goodbye to unprofessional Dropbox links. Opt for Nuvue’s tag-based presentation system to build branded presentation hubs with just a tag drop, making content sharing smooth and impressive.

Why Old Tools Don't Cut It for Growing B2B Brands

From clunky design tools to overcomplicated sales platforms, they just slow you down. Nuvue keeps it simple, so you can focus on scaling without the hassle.

(Too light)
Presentation Design Platforms
  • Sales reps as designers
  • Hard to distribute
  • Inconsistent branding
  • Not mobile-friendly
  • Limited analytics
(Too heavy)
Sales Enablement Platforms
  • Expensive
  • Long onboarding
  • Overly complicated
  • Lacks presentation tools
  • Low adoption
(Too messy)
Content Management Tools
  • Poor version control
  • Hard to find assets
  • Costly storage
  • Limited sharing
  • No brand control

Top B2B Brands Trust Nuvue

See how industry leaders rely on Nuvue's Modular Presentation Platform to jazz up their sales game and win big.

A Presentation System for the Entire B2B Organization

Nuvue was built to support your entire sales cycle and every department in your organization. For B2B brands, seamless collaboration across departments is key to driving real growth. That's why Nuvue is the ultimate presentation system.


For marketers, your brand is sacred and must be safeguarded at any cost. Nuvue ensures that off-brand presentations and the loss of content in Dropbox are things of the past. You now hold the key to control.

  • Brand safeguarded
  • No off-brand content
  • Total control


You hired your sales team to sell effectively, not to create off-brand presentations or hunt for sales assets. With Nuvue, you can provide your team with one-click access to your desired sales flows in seconds.

  • Instant access
  • More selling
  • Streamlined content

Your Reps

The sales team will adore you for eliminating one of their biggest pain points: creating presentations. Now, they have all the sales presentations they need right at their fingertips for the entire sales cycle.

  • Save time
  • Look professional
  • Build confidence

Explore What Nuvue Can Do

The features your team needs for smooth, controlled delivery of your sales story.

Page Builder

A modern, device-optimized page builder.

Drag Drop Editor

Create stunning, branded presentations with ease.

Tag Based Media

Access and share sales content with a tag.

360 Tracking

Gain insights into your content's performance.


Deliver content effortlessly to team members.

Brand Contol

Farewell to off-brand sales presentations.

With custom presentations at their fingertips my team can sell more, faster.

Terrance Kazlow

Former VP of Sales & Marketing

Discover the Power of Modular Presentations

Click below to see how we're reshaping sales presentation delivery. This isn't just a feature—it's our passion and the core of what we do.

Transparent Pricing, No Surprises

Whether you're starting small or scaling up, our pricing fits your needs. Get everything you need to shine without hidden costs.

< 25 Users
< 50 Users
Call us
50+ Users
Platform Features
Presentation Sites
Tag-based Sites
Site Analytics
Platform Analytics
Responsive Page Builder
Media Library
Content Permissions
Brand Control
Platform Support
Monthly Training
1 Hour
5 Hour
Creative Support
1 Hour
($200 value)
3 Hour
($600 value)
5 Hour
($1,000 value)

Transform Your Sales Presentations Today

Schedule a consultation and see how Nuvue revolutionizes B2B presentations.